"Fsehum Gemh was his dragon fang, and with it he bit deep."

The legendary great sword revealed in Wolf’s Run has been rendered in it’s full glory through the talented hands of artist Deryl Braun. The God’s Tongue name for the fearsome weapon is Fsehum Gemh and translates to “Dragon Fang”. Visit About Wolf’s Run or the home page at MaxFantastic.com to see every tantalizing detail.

Dragon Fang - Legendary weapon of the warrior king, Lonen.

Dragon Fang - Legendary weapon of the warrior king, Lonen.

Partial Map of Raimiar

I’ve had more map related requests from readers, so I took a few minutes to sketch out what the world of Raimiar might look like in the areas where Wolf’s Run takes place. You can see pieces of three continents here. Hrávandorien’s in the middle. Mysterious Harad’s in the south, connected to Hrávandorien by the great canyon of Ulcimlad. In the north is Rustandor, cut off from the rest of Raimiar by the Northern Barrier.

Max's Sketch of Raimiar for Wolf's Run

Sketch of Northern Tolodrio

I’ve received a number of requests from readers wanting to see a map of Wolf’s world of Raimiar. I’m busy working away at the second Unifier book and working with an artist on the 2020 cover for Wolf’s Run, but I took some time out to sketch something down with my own hands. Here’s the northern tip of the island of Tolodrio around Varaine, where Wolf and Crow’s adventure starts.

Max's Sketch of Northern Tolodrio