Ulcatar God’s Tongue meaning: evil or sinister father. As recorded in the Word of Ellendra text, a successful and powerful man named Morion felt he was above the laws of the land within which he dwelled and ruled. When he broke the laws of the elders, they sentenced him to death, and redistributed his land and fortune to the other ruling lords. Zara-Doon saved him and nursed him back to health in Vandúra. She gave him a powerful demon horse and the human-forged, enchanted Sword of Vengeance. Then she instructed him to seek vengeance for all men who felt they had been treated similarly, or who felt they had suffered from injustice. Zara-Doon renamed him Ulcatar and unleashed him onto Hraván. As Ulcatar, Morion became nearly unstoppable, and he killed all men, women and children in his path; but ultimately he was vanquished by the Gold Legion. In Wolf’s Run, we learn that his spirit outlived his body.